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Josephine (Jo) Keller


Purple Podiums
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        I am extremely honored to have been elected to be your next Department of California Military Order of the Purple Heart Commander.  I am grateful for your trust and continued support.  Leadership roles are not to be taken lightly and those who accept such responsibility should be accountable to our Patriots and the Order. 

         Our lines of communication must be defined, clear, and honest.  We should work as a team with our Associate and Auxiliary members.  Everyone brings value to the table, and everyone should be heard.  Together we should realign/update and promote our many programs.  We should represent in every committee and forge bonds to enrich our organization.  We should be out in our communities educating on what the meaning of the Purple Heart is and creating new partnerships.  The JROTC/ROTC, Purple Heart cities, scholarships, and Americanism--to name a few--are important and relevant for our communities and the Order.  Suicide awareness education, mental health, VA benefits, and programs for veterans should be priority for us.  Recruitment should also be in the forefront of our plan.  We must find innovative ways to recruit new members to step in our shoes and lead the way of the future.

         We’ve had a couple of rough years due to the pandemic, but now is the time to move forward and make up for lost time.  Together (Patriots, Associates & Auxiliary) we can make this happen!



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© 2017 by Military Order of the Purple Heart, Department of California .  Created by Dead Eye Graphics 


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